Sunday, September 1, 2013

Emotional Roller Coaster Leading to Southeast Asia

My year in Korea is really wrapping up today! I’m falling so behind on all the things I want to share, but if don’t give a quick update now it might never happen. My sleep level over the past week is at an all time low…this could get sloppy.

I tried my hardest to enjoy my last month in Korea, though this month/summer has not been without anxiety. Change was coming and I couldn’t help but fixate on my uncertain future. I’m in love with Korea but I need a break/change from teaching. What do I do next!? I won’t give up an adventurous lifestyle anytime soon. Opportunities abound if they are sought after, yet seeking and committing is daunting. I’m looking forward to recuperating back in Arlington/America a bit while trying to find peace with the stagnant time between whatever comes next.

Robin arrived in Korea tens days ago to spend my last week with me. Bethany had moved out to the countryside for her new job the week before. New roommate! I did my best to give her a good taste of Korean culture (and food!) without stressing myself out about it. All my “lasts” were Robin’s “firsts”…how symmetrical. She led productive sight-seeing days while I worked. It was nice to have those hours without the pressures of hosting. More on this beautiful and exhausting week later.

Aside from hosting I also finished my last week of teaching, gave many farewells, packed up my life in Korea, helped the new girl move into the apartment, and prepared for our backpacking trip. My thoughts and emotions have never been stretched so many ways at once. The more my body demanded sleep, the less willing it was to sleep past 5:30am…

I’ve exerted a lot of mental energy thinking about packing this month yet didn’t actually start until last minute. In theory I should have had plenty of time to take care of business (Robin ventured outside Seoul to visit another friend) but I could only pack in small doses before becoming completely overwhelmed.

When I return to America and regain my mental energy and clarity I will continue reflecting on this amazing year. But today Robin and I set off to Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia! I will probably be perpetually sweaty and dirty and smelly this coming month. Resigning myself to this ended up making packing a lot simpler. I have no idea how prepared I am for this…here’s to figuring it out along the way!