Friday, October 12, 2012


When Bethany and I arrived in Seoul, we immediately moved into a two-bedroom apartment that a WILS couple had just vacated only days before. The spare room was a bit dusty but otherwise it was convenient moving into a fully-furnished place with an equipped kitchen. The plan was that when two studio apartments opened up at ‘the tower’ complex we would move there and be closer to where the other teachers live.  Three weeks in, we were informed how great of a deal we would get if we stayed at this apartment, not to mention that this apartment had some good features.

Bethany and I considered our options. The pro side heavily outweighed the con side.  The apartment is only a 10 minute walk from work (compared to 25) and RIGHT on the subway line. We would split utilities like the cost of heating, but also the utilities at this apartment are incredibly more efficient than at the tower. The only con seemed to be not living as close to the other teachers, amounting to either a nice 30 minute walk or $3 cab ride.  Having a roommate also has pros and cons, but so far I had enjoyed living with a fellow vegetarian who is just as new to Seoul and teaching.  And on top of this, because we would share rent, WILS would pay us the difference of our monthly housing stipend in our paychecks, which was sizable. Ultimately the decision to stay came down to how much money we would save.

At this point we embarked on making the apartment more of our own. Cleaning, shuffling furniture around, reorganizing, personalizing. Four weeks later I am still in the process of decorating.  I wish I had before pictures to show you! I think you would be impressed.

Coincidentally, at this three-week mark, I had my first trace of homesickness. Living in Seoul was becoming too real. I felt unsure about if I would like it here and if wanted to stay for an entire year, but it subsided in a couple of days. I just have to remind myself of the amazing things I see and experience everyday here, and of the job I don’t have in America. In all honestly I am fully enjoying every aspect of my experience here. Work keeps me occupied, sometimes too occupied, and when it’s not I’m exploring all the little quirks this city has to offer. I understand why most of my coworkers have been here for two, three, or more years.

Here’s a good story. The night I got word that we would most likely stay in this apartment, Bethany was out picking up a bunny that she planed to foster for the year.  The timing was uncanny. I told her I didn’t mind living with a free-range bunny, and that it sounded kind of fun, as long as I held no responsibility for it. The bunny-proofing in the apartment began which included keeping anything and everything out of his chewing reach.  His name is Soondoong, meaning ‘soft and innocent one’ however a more accurate translation might be ‘asshole.’  Four weeks later I can say he managed to chew through my phone charger, my computer charger, decent amount of our furniture, and our internet cable…THREE times. So cute, right? I have a strict no-bunny policy in my room, yet there is a some physical force that attracts him to it.  The one time I forget to close my door and he finds something he wants to ruin.  It has started to feel like he has some sort of vendetta toward me. This combined with the fact that the bunny has no interest in bonding has left me with a growing animosity toward him.  When he sneakily mauled the internet cord for the third time I decided this would be the last time! I confronted Bethany and she agreed that maybe he wasn’t the best fit.  We are in the process of looking for a new home, though people have suggested we just take him to the mountains…tempting.

In closing, I’ve put this entry off for weeks because there were so many things I wanted to spruce up and decorate before I posted a peek into our apartment.  My room is still a work in progress, but I have managed to add a few personal touches.  When I know I won’t be staying someplace for an extended time, I tend to not invest a lot of energy and money into it. But despite this, I am trying personalize my little nest in Seoul since a year is no short time.  However, I’m quite comfortable with our accommodations. The only things we don't have are a dryer and a dishwasher, which is normal for Korea, but I heard we are pretty lucky to have a toaster oven! I can't imagine going all winter without roasting vegetables. 

When I go abroad I’m used to being in tourist mode.  Relaxing at the apartment was a bit unnatural at first because there were so many new things to see and experience. My coworkers have told me they are impressed by what I’ve gone out and done so far since I don't like to waste away a weekend, yet I feel quite relaxed. I think I may have found that happy medium between the two.

 Maybe we wouldn't have chosen orange, but we are working it!

Living room into the balcony

Getting crafty with some boring mugs.
Didn't do anything to the one on the left, it's just my favorite!

My bedroom and a 'headboard' that I crafted.

 Some inspiration to wake up to every morning! And postcards of Seoul.

Vanity area! The hooks and jewelry bowl are my personal touches here.
Inspirational quote to be painted on the poster soon.
A picture Bethany took of our motto and the bunny.


  1. it looks awesome! i like the orange. and it looks big enough to sleep on...

  2. Little rabbit foo foo, I don't like what you do!

    The moral of the story is hare today, goon tomorrow!

    What kind of mouthwash is on your vanity area ? ? ? White for the morning and red at night?
