Tuesday, January 8, 2013

101 Things in 2013

For some reason, 2013 really feels like a fresh new year this year. Perhaps the vegan diet is having a cleansing effect (nine days in and going strong!) It's a little late, but I've been inspired to make a loose list of things I want to accomplish, or at least work toward, in the new year.

1.           go vegan for a month
2.          make almond milk
3.          inspire someone to try vegan for a week
4.        inspire someone to try vegan for a month
5.          listen to classical music daily
6.         listen to a new musical artist every week
7.          read an entire news article daily
8.         read everyday, finish a book a month
9.         listen to one spanish news segment a day
10.     practice speaking spanish
11.       study korean
12.      tell someone i love them everyday
13.      blog once a week
14.    write a gratitude daily
15.      visit a new country
16.     read a graphic novel
17.      see a play
18.     see a musical
19.     watch the sunrise
20.    watch the sunset
21.      try snowboarding
22.     run a 10k (or more!)
23.     get a facial
24.   donate to something i support
25.     get professional photographs taken
26.    go on a picnic
27.     host a brunch
28.    play basketball in korea
29.    see a professional basketball game in korea
30.    only support independent coffee shops
31.      grow a vegetable
32.     only use reusable shopping bags
33.     go to busan
34.   go to jeju island
35.     go to suwon
36.    try a new food every week
37.     don’t spend money for a week
38.    volunteer
39.    learn to like black coffee
40.  read my semester at sea journal
41.    do an anonymous act of kindness
42.   turn off phone/internet for 24 hours
43.   paint something
44. watch the lord of the rings series
45.   inspire someone to travel
46.  reconnect with an old friend
47.   listen to weekly podcasts
48.  get bangs
49.  go to the gym for the right reasons
50.    practice thinking only one thing at a time
51.      visit a farm
52.     do the 4-day fast
53.     go a week without processed food
54.   spend time outside everyday
55.     light a candle multiple times a week
56.    eat raw for a week
57.     go microwave-less for a month
58.    read a book about korea
59.    read a book on teaching
60.   plant basil
61.     leave a buffet comfortably full
62.    make bread
63.    keep vegan milk on hand
64.  learn something new everyday
65.    don’t eat when standing
66.   start holding a pen correctly
67.    honor feelings of hunger and satiety
68.   be generous
69.   take a class on coursera
70.    keep up with the daily show
71.      brush hair before i shower
72.     join a co-op
73.     be the friend i want others to be to me
74.   reread a book i love
75.     be spontaneous
76.    enjoy the present moment
77.     reduce, reuse, recycle, in that order
78.    compost
79.    be passionate
80.   reduce waste
81.     let it go
82.    stay in touch
83.    reorganize pinterest so it’s actually useful
84.  do a temple stay
85.    go up the 63 building
86.   go up namsan tower
87.    wear a hanbok
88.   learn a new word every day
89.   host a mama’s table meal at SPACE
90.   pay it forward
91.     eat slower
92.    eat something raw with every meal
93.    scope out the kpop scene
94.  try the miracle fruit
95.    ride a segway

Okay, reaching 101 is actually a lot harder than I thought it would be! I'll keep adding as new ideas come to me...


  1. You've made good progress already! I believe that you can do all these things! Except #61

  2. I don't think you can do the hair resos - #48 and #71.

  3. Hi Allie!!! Tell me if almond milk tastes good. Good luck with all of these things. How do you honor hunger? BTW I saw the Lord of the Rings series. It was pretty good. But really,really long. -Jamie
