Thursday, March 14, 2013


When I finally settled into my Korean lifestyle I got back to being active. This included running at my park and a fair bit of hiking. But when the weather turned chilly I knew I would be less inclined to brave the cold. So I joined my local gym. Not only was it a couple minutes walk from my apartment, it was incredibly cheap. I bargained a three-month membership down to 120,000 (~$108) which I conspicuously paid for in cash. I’m not the first waygookin to join up but they were extremely enthusiastic to have me.

I already had every intention of joining, but one of their “selling points” to me was the free personal training. I think there are about seven employees/trainers who float around and assist patrons with weight lifting. My first couple of days I received a lot of attention. They insisted on stretching me and cracking my back. One of the trainers then showed me some upper body exercises. She might have thought that I’d never worked out before (or ever done anything remotely physical) because she provided me with dinky hand weights to bench press. I later sneakily exchanged them for weights about six times heavier. They let me do my own thing now, for the best.

The trainers are really friendly and I have come to adore them. Mostly. The owner of the gym, Seo Moon Seok, is a former bodybuilder. His English name is Diesel (really?) Maybe that gives you an idea of what kind of guy he is. Trophies and posters of himself in his prime litter the gym. He thinks he’s prettyyy cool, though in his booty spandex shorts I beg to differ. Two of the female trainers are also former body builders. They don’t look as ripped as their posters on the wall but part of body building is drastically dropping weight right before a competition (healthy…?)

The gym is not luxurious like another establishment down the road. In fact it’s pretty basic and could use some updating. But location and price are unbeatable. And it has everything I need: free weights and machines, “running machines” and elipticals, jump ropes and mats, lockers and showers. I know the stuttering treadmills to avoid…isn’t that all that really matters?

In case you were wondering, going to the gym still takes a bit of motivation in Korea. But there are always interesting experiences and interactions to be had, including but not limited to a hilarious Korean playlist occasionally mixed in with 90s American pop. Or the fat-shaking machines and upside-down spine stretchers. A couple months ago I met a Korean who lived in Arlington/Alexandria for a year! We became chingus but lately his job at Samsung has inhibited our know I’m loyal to my Apple products. I kid I kid. While a job at Samsung is a prestigious position to land, it is incredibly demanding. To have lunch I literally had to take an 80-minute subway ride to see him (Samsung sure has a beautiful building and elaborate food court, though!)

Last week a stern, old ajeoshi yelled angry Korean things at me that I couldn’t understand. It required another patron to translate but essentially he didn’t like that I was wearing my outside gym shoes inside and could I please buy another pair (well, if I really must get some new Nike kicks…) You think someone might have told me this sometime in my first three months of working out. The illusion of cleanliness…oh a blog post for another time.

Since I joined three months ago four of my coworkers have also signed up. My coworkers are affectionately known as “Allie’s chingus” and according to them I’m pretty intense. A reputation I don’t mind having. It’s not the nicest or most organized gym but I’ve brought them a bit of business. My three-month membership has technically ‘expired’ yet I don’t think anyone knows or cares that I’m still working out…

Update: They actually have been keeping track of my membership...and the dumb foreigner card doesn't seem to work. To renew or not to renew? With spring hiking season on the horizon maybe I'll get back to my running and Bikram routine.

Diesel and one of the trainers

Muscles muscles muscles

Where the magic happens

This one really works my...?

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