Saturday, May 4, 2013


May is among the best months to be in Korea. We have woken from hibernation, the weather couldn’t be better. Any day is a great day as long as it's spent outside. The month is also chalked full of holidays.

May 1st- Korean Labor Day. Essentially a bank holiday and some public schools are closed. Still a fine day for learning English at WILS…

May 5th- Children’s Day. This is Christmas for Korean children. Kids have been talking about it all week, and longer. Presents they will receive from parents and teachers. Places and activities they will go and do. They are psyched.

Cinco de Mayo- Not to be confused with May 5th. Celebrating involved fajitas, margaritas, and...frozen guacamole? Only in Korea...

May 8th- Parent’s Day. Originally Mother’s Day but changed so that fathers don’t feel alienated. Children shower their parents with carnations, letters of appreciation, and…cosmetic surgery?

May 12th- American Mother’s Day. This year my mom will spend it packing for Korea! When she arrives a few days later, she will be celebrated fully. Brunch is already planned out...

May 15th- Teacher’s Day. A perk of teaching. My adult students took me out to a 2.5 hour buffet lunch. It's kind of an American place but Koreans love VIPS so I was in for the experience. In recent years Teacher's Day has lent itself to lavish gifts and bribery…my day involved more modest flowers, chocolate, cards, and a scarf.

The 8th day of the 4th lunar month (also known as May 17th this year)- Buddha’s Birthday. Hanging lanterns glow on all major streets leading to a Buddhist temple because it's birthday month for this lucky guy. Rituals and big parades will ensue. All schools (including mine) get it off!

May birthday wishes to my lovely aunts, Rita (3rd) and Venta (7th). And to my father (23rd)...but we’ll be celebrating in Korea!

"Allie teacher, very very I love you"

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