Monday, December 10, 2012

Human Connections

I’ve had some introspective thoughts about relationships lately. Meaningful friendships are essential to my happiness in every corner of the world. I knew that no matter how much I would love Seoul, to enjoy living overseas I would need to be in good company.

Making acquaintances has never been difficult for me but developing those deeper relationships has been less common. Instantly clicking with someone is a rare but amazing experience. It happens when I least expect it. I may not speak with these types of friends regularly but I have enriching conversations when I do. Being away from my closest friends has not been overly difficult (sorry!) but it has certainly renewed my appreciation for them. Staying in touch is one of my biggest goals for the year.

I didn’t know a soul (ha…) when I got here. I’m fortunate to have coworkers who I regularly enjoy spending time with and who live close by. But it is the case that almost all of them have been here at least a year and have their own comfortable lifestyle…which doesn’t always include random exploring with me! Our academy is small and it has been important for me to also have friends outside of work.

In three months time, I have met tons of interesting people and have gotten to know a few fairly well. The expat community is Seoul networks very well and I've taken full advantage of this. Meeting people has been beyond easy. The small talk is surprisingly enjoyable as it seems foreigners are a self-selected group of adventurous people.

Some days more than others I miss having a best friend here. Someone you effortlessly get along with. Someone who shares a majority of interests. Someone who makes all the adventures particularly meaningful. Someone to also enjoy doing nothing at all with. There are also moments I really miss being part of a couple. I know a few married couples who are joint-adventuring here in Seoul and sometimes seeing them together makes me a little weak inside. I have more personal development to do before I can even think about marriage, but I will admit I’m occasionally jealous of their shared lives.

It wasn’t being away from family that was particularly difficult at Thanksgiving but rather my coincidental examination of my relationships here. I am eager to continue making meaningful friendships in Seoul. Good friendships progress naturally. I’ve only been here three months and I couldn’t expect to have a best chingu as soon as I stepped off the plane. But I do look forward to more beautiful friendships to come!

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