Wednesday, December 5, 2012


You may be wearing flip flops in D.C. today, but here in Seoul we are dressed in snow boots! Seoul received its first significant snowfall of the season today! My coworker says it is more than they got all last winter. I estimate we accumulated a few inches. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Today distracted students couldn’t resist stealing glances out the window all throughout class. And to be honest, I was overjoyed to share in their excitement for snow and appreciated the extra opportunities to marvel at the concrete jungle turned winter wonderland. Barren branches glistened with fresh snow, rivaling the colorful foliage of just a month past. I love how snow can make the ordinary become spectacular. On the busy streets, however, the snow turned to brown sludge practically before it hit the pavement. If The slick conditions nearly landed me on my behind on the way to work but, despite horrible sidewalk conditions, I think the chance of a snow day at WILS is even less than if I were back at UVA.

On the eve of this snowfall we made paper snowflakes- the most effective paper snowflakes I can ever remember creating!

 A little Christmas decoration I'm quite proud of!

Conditions after only an hour or so. Do Americans use umbrellas in the snow?
All Koreans do and it struck me as funny today.

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