Monday, November 5, 2012


Korean students know varying levels of English, but they can repeat that like a robot.

Life in Korea is treating me well. (For example, I’m now eating pumpkin pancakes on a drizzly, cozy weekday morning.) In Seoul there are always people to meet, things to explore, and an entire language to learn. With over two months under my belt, I’ve seen so much yet practically nothing at all. It is easy to see why most of my coworkers are in their second, third, and fourth years in Korea. The constant stimulation, low expenses, and leisurely mornings are among my favorite parts. Are all cities as cool as Seoul? I was unsure if I would like living in a big city, but what I did not realize was the endless excitement and conveniences that accompany urban life.

If you recall, starting the blog was a bit of an experiment. Would I like writing publically? How much would I commit to it? If nothing else it would be useful to streamline stories back home to friends and family. Through most of my world travels I have kept dry travel journals, but in a lot of ways blogging has worked out better for me. Having an audience (assuming you’re still reading…) provides motivation, and when I look back I think I’ll be much happier with the way I’ve recorded a few stories. The pressure to document every single thing that happens is letting up, which may be a good thing for me. I’m allowing the experience to just unfold…

So, this is how I’m doing. The downside of writing a blog is that after I update you on Seoul life, I don’t necessarily hear back with what’s new with YOU! I’m not saying you should go write me a two-hour long message every time I post buuuut…now is the time when you should email me, Skype me, Facebook me, Twitter me, Instagram me, Kakao me…so many avenues there is no excuse! Short and sweet works. My inbox awaits you!

Checking out a recommended café in bread samples!

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